Another important update is.... Happy 4th Birthday to our big terror at home keke... These were taken on 22 Feb 2010. She wanted a Mickey Mouse cake and to make life easier we made her a Mouse Ear Cake Mickey Mouse themed cake... No Mickey Mouse can be seen but only Mickey's Ear kekeke ;p
We baked many cartoon (mostly Disney) characters cookies and bought some sweets for her goodie bag. We are still experimenting on different cookie dough so better pictures will be posted later on...
Below is a closeup on the Mickey's ear cupcake...
Heres the overall cake... A very chocolatey one indeed hehee... Theres a whole cake in the centre for cake cutting and surrounded by many Mickey's ear cupcake for each kid in her class... Enjoy!
Near the end of the celebration... Whats left are for those who want another serving and for the teachers to share...